Sunbury, Ohio 43074 is part of Berkshire Township in Delaware County Ohio.
Our dedicated process servers in Delaware, Ohio serves Sunbury, and the surrounding County. We know the area because we were born and raised here.
We work with the local courts, public officials, business owners, and the citizens when perfecting your service of process. It gives RVB Services the upper hand in serving your court documents as quickly as possible.
We can serve your Summons and Complaint, Subpoena, Wage Garnishments, Divorce Filing, Dissolution, Custody Order, Foreclosure, Eviction, Civil Protection Order, and other court documents.
We can also deliver collection letters, demand letters, cease and dissent, notice of evictions, and other forms of correspondence.
Links for Sunbury, Ohio:
Delaware County Common Please Court
Official Sunbury, Ohio Website
Sunbury, Ohio Mayors Court